
sto stop

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sto stop为短语/超纲词汇
1. Even then he would not stop until at last, in 1793, when he was 65 years old, he died of a heart attack.

2. Every time he reached the bridge, he had to stop his truck. He always had to show the officers all his papers.

3. But her teammate almost dropped it. Wilma had to stop to get a good hold on the stick.
    但是她的队员已经掉了, 威尔玛不得不停下来抓住接力棒。

4. Before Sotto could stop him, Bonpland had pulled off his boots and jumped over the side.

5. Would you please stop at the grocery store and pick up some tissues, toothpaste and soap?

6. We must put a stop to parking in this narrow street.

7. We put a full stop at the end of a sentence.

8. We must stop him from seeing her somehow.

9. Would you please stop at the grocery store and pick up some tissues, toothbrush and soap?

10. We waited at the bus stop until the bus came.
